Sunday, June 5, 2011

Summer is here!

Summer has officially started! It isn't off to a great start for me since I am sick with an upper respiratory! I started some antibiotics and steroids pills yesterday and am already feeling a little better today so that is good!

Drake is driving us crazy at home all day but I have already thought of some fun things to do with him to keep him entertained--we have our community pool, story time at the library, pump it up (bounce houses), and playdates with friends! Now if I could just hurry up and not be sick anymore we can start doing those things! He is a little stinker! Here is something funny that happened last night as I was putting him to bed he had his fingers in his mouth and I told him to take his fingers out of his mouth, only babies put their hands in their mouth, then I told him he also needs to stop pooping in his pull up like a baby.....he turned and looked at me and said " could you please go away" I just smiled and said yes and good night. Haha! At least he said please....he has been getting in trouble for talking back alot lately so we are trying to teach him the correct way to ask for something instead of demand it.

He is doing okay with Riley. He still calls her Bryleigh most of the time. (his best buddy at the babysitters house is named Bryleigh, in case you haven't heard the reason why he calls her that) He still doesn't understand that she takes several naps a day and that he has to stay out of the room and leave her alone while she is sleeping! So that should be fun this summer! :)

Riley will be 10 weeks old tomorrow! She is doing us big smiles and cute! She unfortunately yesterday started to have a runny nose I am hoping she doesn't get sick but with Drake and I both haivng this congestion stuff I knew there was a good chance she would get it. She goes to the doctor Thursday for her 2 mth checkup, so I will have to update on her weight and stuff.

Sorry to write so much... I need to be better on updating this more often so I don't have to write a book when I finally post! Bo and I are good. We celebrated our 6th year anniversary last weekend with a night out in dowtown Fort Worth at the Omni was really nice to have a full nights sleep and get to sleep in the next morning! Sleeping in at the house with the kiddos is 7:30 or possibly 8:00! A big thanks to Uncle Matt & Aunt Lauren who came to the house and watched Drake for us....and Aunty Rachel & Uncle Ken for watching Riley for us! :)

Okay I am going to end this blog by posting some videos of Riley! :) Here are a few pics from Easter.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Mommy of 2

Almost a week ago we met our little girl after nine long months of waiting! We arrived at hospital at 4:45am, checked into room to get prepped for surgery and headed to OR room at 7:15 just as scheduled. Riley Brooke was born at 7:38am weighing 8 lbs 1oz, and 19 inches long. She is perfect! We spent Mon-Thurs in hospital as I was recovering from csection and tubes tied. Recovery for this little girl was a lot harder on my body than Drake, but luckily each day it is getting better. Things definitely are different these days for us Taylors as we all adjust to having a family of 4. Drake of course is having a hard time adjusting but we are doing our best to stay patient and pray after the newness wears off he will calm down. Riley is eating, sleeping, peeing, and pooping great..all the things a newborn is suppose to do! :) She is sleeping 5-6 hours at far she has only one middle of night feeding so she is a great sleeper! Okay well this blog alone and getting pics uploaded has taken me all evening since I am doing it one handed. (miss Riley is spoiled already and loves to be held) I will continue to update as often as I can. Check out pics in our online gallery by clicking link on the side if blog!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Drake's birthday

Drake had a great "football" themed birthday! :) Here is some video that Bo got from the party. The funniest thing was that he started the birthday song all by himself. As soon as he saw me light the candles he just started to sing and we all joined along.

The bounce house was a big hit! He still looks in the backyard and asks when it will come back, so we will definitely have to do that one day this summer.

Baby Riley will be here soon! 3 more weeks till our scheduled day...not sure if I will make it that long or not! I am huge and uncomfortable and so ready to hold and kiss her! :) At the last doctor visit 2 weeks ago she was measuring one week ahead, and everything looked good--fluid levels, etc. I go again this Tuesday and hoping for some more good news on her growth.

I will update again after doc appt. Keep praying for a healthy baby girl, and for a safe labor/delievery/c-sect..whatever is to come! ;)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Cord Blood Link

Welcome to Cord Blood Registry's Gift Registry

We have decided to save Riley's cord blood. If you are interested in checking out our registry I posted the link. :)

I am super excited about my shower on Saturday for little miss Riley! Special thanks to my sister and cousin Carrie for hosting it!
Will post some pics this weekend! Will also update after doctor appointment Monday---sonogram scheduled to check fluid level
and her growth. She must be growing cause I am feeling more and more uncomfortable each day....I am sooo ready for March 28th
so I can hold her!

Drake's 3rd birthday party was a success! I was not great at taking pics, but Bo got some pics and video on his phone so I will try and get
those uploaded this weekend also! He had his 3 year checkup today. I can't believe he is 3....seems like just yesterday I was taking him to
pediatrician all the time for checkups and shots....luckily he only had to get one shot today and didn't even cry! But I am already dreading
his 4 year checkup because doctor said he has to get 4 shots...yuck! I hope this next year goes by slow.

Okay gotta get to bed so I can make it through another crazy Friday with 21 crazy first graders! :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

February Snow Day!

We are starting February with a snow day! How awesome! It has been a great relaxing day at home with my boys.

I am 31 weeks now and really feeling the "joys" of pregnancy! I am so ready for the last week of March to get here so we can meet our sweet little Riley!

Drake is fully potty trained! This started over Christmas break--he just said he was gonna go potty and went into his bathroom and next thing we know we heard his little potty start singing a song which means there is something in it! I am so glad he did this on his own and it wasn't such a huge battle---and just within the past few weeks he has become completely potty trained--yay to no more pull ups!

We are in the process of getting Riley's room ready. We have the bedding so now we are just working on getting her walls painted, and getting some decor! I am so excited!

Will post some videos of Drake and what he has been doing lately! And some pictures from Christmas,etc on our online album!
Stay warm everyone!