Friday, January 23, 2009

Almost Drake's 1st bday!

I can't believe it is the end of January and my little baby boy will be 1 soon! This year has gone to fast. It seems like just yesterday I was holding him for the first time in the hospital...what a precious moment that was!

He is still keeping us busy these days! He is crawling and pulling up on everything still, but just this past week he has been standing all by himself for at least 5 seconds!! Walking will be coming I can only imagine how much more busy he will keep us. He is still babbling a lot and saying mama but not dada yet. He loves to eat!! He eats pretty much whatever we give him...I am so glad he is not a picky eater (at least for now) :). He made us laugh so hard the other night cause we had the tv on and wheel of fortune was on and everytime Vanna clapped he started to clap. He is such a goober!

I have attached a few more pics of him just hanging out around the house. I look forward to sharing pics with everyone after his birthday!

Hope everyone is doing well. I have been battling with congestion for a while, this weather is not helping with it changing so much. Sounds like it will be cold tomorrow! Have a great weekend!