Friday, August 13, 2010

Decisions, Decisions

Well Drake's 3 days of daycare experience wasn't great. It was way harder than I thought it was going to be. He cried, I cried....and I worried all day about how he doing. Rachel and his teacher said he did okay and that it would just take some time to adjust and he would be fine, so I was sad but prepared myself for the transition. Then a coach Bo works with said we needed to take Drake to a lady where they take their 2 yr. old daughter. So I called her, met her, and am happy about the possible decision for Drake to stay with her instead of go to daycare. She watches 2 other kids, so Drake would be her 3rd and final kiddo to watch as she does have one more come two days a week. The great thing about her is that she lives really close to Bo's school, so Bo will be able to take Drake in the morning at a much better time (8:00), instead of Drake having to leave with me at 6:30.....
I am happy about him not having to commute with me, he has been a trooper and done it for a year and half....but as he is older he gets a little more bored in the car.

So I am hoping that this is the right decision to make...I have been going back and forth for the past few days trying to decide what is best for Drake....and it is so stressful! I have been an emotional wreck. Just when I think the in home daycare will be great, then I start to wonder if he would be better at daycare where my nephews are and closer to my work....I just don't know. I have two more days to try and make a decision...and hope that it's the right one.

These are the days that being a parent is SOOOO hard. So that is what is going on here in the Taylor household....stress! haha, well only from me, Bo is of course "fine with whatever I decide."
Okay well I got some venting out...time for bed! Will update on Monday what decision was made and how his day was!