Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy New Year

Drake had a great 1st Christmas! Our living room is now full of toys, so much that I am making Bo take the tree down today so that we can have more room for him to play! He also gots lots of clothes since the little piggy has grown out of his 9 months clothes and is already wearing 12 months clothes. He is 22 pounds..we took him to the doctor this morning because he does have a cough, but doctor said that his ears looked okay and his chest sounded okay, so it is just a little cold. We have been doing the steam showers, humidifier in his room, vicks vapor rub on his chest, etc....so hopefully he will be better soon. He is not acting sick, he is just happy and playing and eating like normal so that is good.

His personality is really starting to come out...he is talking more, copying what we do, eating finger foods, and has a slight temper when he doesn't get what he wants...wonder where he gets that from??? haha

We are just having so much fun with him. I wish I could be home with him everyday, I really don't want this break to end.

I hope everyone has a great New Years! We are having some friends over to celebrate by playing with our kiddos, playing games, and just relaxing in our pjs..it should be fun! I have added some pics from Christmas! Rachel got better pics on her camera but I am having trouble uploading them so I will try again later. We aren't the best picture takers :)

Talk to you in 2009!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Time Flies

I can't believe my little boy will be 10 months old tomorrow!! He is officially crawling and going everywhere! He finally took off and started going forward a few weeks ago. He is trying to pull up on everything and has already gotten several boo boos. We are just having so much fun with him. He loves to eat and play. He has a basket of toys in the living room and has figured out how to dump the basket over so that all of his toys can fall out.....it is a mess but it keeps him entertained and happy so that is good. We are working on eating more finger foods....right now he likes cheerios, and some gerber cheese puffs. We think his top middle teeth are trying to come in. So far he just has the 2 bottom middle.

I am so ready for the winter break!! Only one more week till we get a nice 2 week much deserved break....these first graders are going crazy with all the holiday excitement! So things are good in the Taylor family. I better go cause Drake is waking up from his nap...my break is over :) Have a great weekend!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Turkey time!

I can't believe Thanksgiving is here...the months are flying by. We are excited for the upcoming holidays with Drake's first Thanksgiving, Christmas, and then first bday! Wow, how time flies when you are having fun! Drake is doing great! He is crawling backwards still but sooo close to full out crawling forward. He still gets around by crawling backwards then pushing him self up into sitting position. He is reaching and wanting to pull up on everything. He is making daddy a nervous wreck! He started talking a lot this past week and officially says 'mama' every since Friday! It is the cutest thing. I don't think he associates it with me yet but it is still cute to hear him say it.

We went to get him a big boy carseat tonight cause he has outgrown his baby carrier carseat.....and on the way home we were in some traffic of course on 820, so I exited off the highway and was trying to get over into the turn lane but of course the other people on service road were not yielding to us coming off of highway so I couldn't get all the way over into the turn lane. Well some cars were going around me to keep going straight on service road and then we heard BAAM! Yep, some idiot sped by and hit my tail light and broke the glass then just cut across other cars to turn right and was gone before we could get the license plate number. Bo thought he got it but the police met us at a nearby gas station and said that the license number Bo told them brought up a van and it wasn't a van, it was a sports car. So that is a bummer that we did not get the rude person. I can't believe some people are so mean to not stop.....so now I have to call insurance figure out how much it is going to cost, etc, etc, just one more thing for me to add to my list, and it is not something I want to be dealing with over my Thanksgiving break!! ugh! It is frustrating.

But luckily Bo said the glass from my tail light should be easier to fix then the actual body part of my car....we shall see I guess. I will let you know the turnout.

We want to wish everyone a great Thanksgiving. We do have a lot to be thankful for with such a wonderful family and friends!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Can't believe it is November

I can't believe it is already November!! I am ready for some fall weather, hopefully this cooler weather is here to stay. We are doing good. Last night was Bo's last football game...they didn't make it to playoffs. Drake and I are happy cause that means more time with daddy!! He will be home on the weekends and after school so that will be nice, it is hard being a somewhat "single mom" during football season. Bo doesn't like it when I say that but I sure felt that way sometimes :).

Drake is still playing with his voice....and really close to crawling. He goes from sitting to tummy and will get on hands and knees but he goes backwards not forwards, then he pushes himself back up into sitting position or he will just roll around. Mrs. Donna (his babysitter) thinks he will be crawling within a week...I will keep you posted. He has his two bottom middle teeth and we think his top teeth might be coming in soon. He is a drool monster!!

So things are pretty much the same around here. I am looking forward to my birthday coming (only because I get to eat at Cheesecake Factory, not cause I will be 27 :( yikes!) and Thanksgiving. Hope everyone is doing well.

We love you all!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Tired after a long morning at the fair

Drake and I went to the fair this morning...(daddy had to work of course) and we had a good time. He loves sitting up in his stroller and just looking around and blabbing. It was very crowded so we didn't stay long, after parking soooooo far and walking around a little bit I was exhausted and he crashed as soon as I laid his him back in his stroller and gave him his paci for our long walk to the car. He slept the whole way home. It was good to get out for a while though and see the family at the stand. I had some yummy nachos and a corn dog oh and cotton candy of course! I plan to go back one more time before it closes, so I will try to get some more pics, I didn't get hardly any today.

We also went to a bday party at a pumpkin patch on Saturday evening and had a great time! It was great weather and we took lots of pics so I will post them on our online album.

Drake is laughing out loud a lot. If we laugh at him he will just start to laugh out loud, and he is making a lot of sounds with his voice. He is definitely more vocal now that he is 7 months. He is still loving sitting up. He doesn't want to roll over and crys if he is on his tummy so I don't think he will be crawling anytime soon. He might just go from sitting to standing to walking...we will see. He has one tooth on the bottom that is still coming up...it has pushed through the gums but has not come all the way up yet. He is a smiley happy baby. We are so blessed to have him. He makes everyday special.

Look at the new pics!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Leaving a comment

If you read this please feel free to leave comments, so I don't feel like I am telling the computer about my life. Someone asked how to do it, well this is how I leave comments on other bloggers:

Click on Comments underneath the blog. It will take you to the page to type a comment. Then click on the circle beside the word Name/URL. All you have to do is enter your name, you don't have to put in an url.

Then click on publish comment. You might have to enter some silly code.....what is the point of this??

Yucky Pink Eye

I swear it just seems to be one thing after another. Last night my eye started to feel very irritated and I kept thinking something was in it, well after lots of rubbing and some gunk coming out I realized something was wrong. I decided to go up to CareNow since they were open till 10pm to see what it was.Yeah he took one look and said pink eye. It is so gross! My eye is nasty and itches but I can't touch it, and it is swollen so I look weird with my eye halfway open. Doc said not to go to work today since it is contagious, and gave me some antibiotic eye drops. They don't seem to help too much yet. I am hoping that it will look better tomorrow as I return to work. So wash wash wash your hands...that is song I have been singing all day as my hands are dry because of all the soap.

Little mister Drake is the one that gave it to me. His right eye was goopy on Monday but I thought it was just allergies or something. Well then on Tuesday his other eye was goopy so the babysitter was like well maybe tomorrow he will be fine. His eyes were goopy this morning when he woke up but they don't look irritated and swollen like mine so that is good. But I talked to his doctor and he went ahead and gave me some prescription eye drops as well for him. So that was a fun chore to do today....try and hold a 7 month old baby boy still to put 2 or 3 drops in both eyes!!! He actually did okay....I was afraid he would be so mad at me and just continue to cry, but after I finished he was fine.

So we are sickies over here. It has been a somewhat nice relaxing day at home on a Wednesday.... just wish I didn't look like an alien with one big eye! Once the puffiness goes away it shouldn't look so bad. I have tried tea bags, ice....I think tonight I will try cucumber on eye before I go to bed. Who knows. I will let you know how it turns out. Plus I am battling with getting that crud that I get every year after starting working. The past week my throat has been sore in the mornings, and I do have some drainage throughout the day but I am trying to beat it by taking zrytec and vitamin c pills everyday. I just wish I could wear a mask at work. My teacher friend at work replys to work as the "germ bowl". It is funny but so true! I try to spray lysol and have students wipe desks often to help minimize the spread but I guess sometimes it is just inevitable. I will keep you updated on how us sickies are over here. Bo is doing well. He has a sore throat but he usually never gets sick so that is good. Keep us in your thoughts!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Monday Monday

Well another Monday to start the week. Mondays are always hard for me. I love being with Drake all day Saturday and Sunday! By the time I pick him up after school we drive 45 minutes home it is 5:00 and we play, eat, fuss, bathe, bottle and bed by 8:00. So our evenings together fly by. We have switched babysitters. Our next door neighbor was watching him but she has a little boy a week younger than Drake and said it was just to hard since they were both needy and wanting her attention AND she has a 5 year old that just started kindergarten so she was having to take both boys to drop her off and pick her up from school. Anyways after I very stressful week last week of trying to find childcare for my baby boy an answered prayer came on Wednesday evening. One of my friends at work Ellen (she teaches first grade with me) called and said her sister lives 5 minutes away from school and is home all day by herself and would love to watch a baby. So after talking with her it was set and she started watching him last Thursday!! He is going to be spoiled. She just holds him and plays with him all day. She comes out to the car in the mornings to help me get him, she is just so sweet! She does have a 4 year old that she takes to PreK in the morning and she goes to pick him up after I pick up Drake, so it is just her and Drake all day. I am just so happy to have found someone that I know and trust since I trust Ellen and have taught with her for the past two years!

I of course am loving that my baby gets some one on one attention. He is doing great with her. Today is a big day for him because he got his first tooth! It just pierced through his gum today and you can see it and feel it---beware of fingers in the mouth--yikes! He was fussy tonight so I guess it is hurting some...poor little guy. I read that it is very painful, so we put on some orajel and gave him some tylenol to help him sleep. I know I know you mommies out there are saying this is just the beginning! :) But we are excited for his one tooth that finally pushed through!

Other than that things are going well. My class is doing good. I have a good group of first graders! Bo's team is not doing so well...haven't won a game yet. Drake and I have gone to all the games except for one to support daddy win or lose, and Bo says it is the best to see him after the game....it makes everything better just to see him.....even though at this point it is 10:30 and Drake can barely keep his eyes open. :) He is a trooper thats for sure.

Okay well I have blabbed enough for tonight. I need to get to bed. I will post some new pics soon!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Thursday, August 28, 2008

working again

Well I am back working. I have a pretty good group of first graders and am working hard to get them trained on all the rules and procedures....the hardest part has been trying to get all 23 of them to walk in a straight line down the hall WITHOUT talking!! This is challenging! :) I love my job but I miss my baby Drake. Of course staying busy at work makes the day go by fast and helps me get through the day without being too sad. I am so excited when 3:30 comes because I am speed walking to my car to get home to see him!! He has been doing okay I guess, he is having some seperation anxiety still, but each day Mrs. Rachael says he does better so we are finishing our second week so hopefully he will get better.

He weighed 17 lbs 6 oz at his 6 month checkup on aug 14th! He is getting so big. He has been a lot more vocal this week....he has gotten louder with his sounds. He still does not want to roll over cause he doesn't like tummy time but he is so close to sitting by himself. Every night this week I sit him down on floor with some toys around him and I sit close enough to catch him but still let him sit alone and he has sat by himself for 20 minutes each night!!! I would assume in another week he will be sitting all by himself!

I have posted a few new pics to the slideshow. Enjoy! Love you all! Have a great holiday weekend!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

only 4 more days of summer :(

Drake is doing great! He will be six months old tomorrow (aug 14th)!! He is sleeping in his crib through the night which is great, he is loving his oatmeal & fruit in the morning and his veges for dinner. I went to work today to work in my classroom and every teacher I saw asked how he was and they all seemed just as shocked as I am that he will be 6 months old! Time flies when you are having fun!!

He went to the babysitter yesterday and today and did much better! Thank goodness! It makes me feel happy to know he is happy where he is at and who he is with. He goes to the doctor tomorrow for his 6 month checkup so I will post updates on weight & height.

Bo is doing good, about to turn 30 years old on Friday!!! We surprised my dad with a party in his favorite place (Shreveport) this past weekend....celebrating 60 years!! He was surprised and had a good time! His actual bday isn't until the 21st of this month so happy early bday dad!

Okay well I added a few new pics to the gallery of Drake. Just click on the slideshow at the bottom of this page and it will take you to the online gallery. Hope everyone is doing good!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Summer is almost over!

I can't believe how fast this summer has gone and how fast my little man has grown! I have loved being able to be home with him all summer....and it makes me so sad to leave him as I return to work.

Today was his first day back at the babysitter so that I could go to school and work in my classroom and he did not have a good day. I put him down to nap before I left and she said once he woke up he was crying. She was really sweet and tried everything to get him to be happy but she said he kept looking around then looked at her and would start to cry. Luckily daddy got off work early and went to pick him up earlier than I was able to. Poor guy, I guess it is going to take some time to transition from being away from mommy & daddy all day! It breaks my heart but I know that he will be fine after a few days and he gets in a routine, and realizes that we will pick him up. I didn't realize seperation anxiety could start so young.....so poor Mrs. Rachael (babysitter) got to listen to Drake's high pitch scream for most of afternoon!! It is an awful scream, but my mom says it is payback cause I would scream like that as a baby as well.

Tonight is night one for Drake to sleep in his crib in his room. I know, I know he is almost 6 months but I loved him being so close to us at night. So he is out of playpen by our bed and into his own room and crib!! Luckily we have one of those camera baby monitors so I have the little tv by my bed so I can check on him throughout the night. He is the best thing in the world!

Okay well I will write again soon and let you know how sleeping goes in his crib. He has been sleeping so good at night (8 or 8:30pm until 7 or 7:30am) so hopefully he will do just as well in crib! Have a great night!

Friday, August 1, 2008

starting to get set up

Okay well the page is making progress. I have added a slideshow of pics of Drake, to see the pics bigger click on the pics and it will take you to our online gallery of pics. You can also click on link to our online pics. I will continue to add new pictures to this online gallery as we take them.

My goal is to write and post new pics each month to keep everyone updated on our little man!

Monday, July 28, 2008

new to blogging

Hey everyone! I thought this would be a fun way for us to communicate! We are new to blogging so give us some time to figure things out. We look forward to sharing all the memories we are making with Drake and keeping everyone updated with whats going on with us!!