Monday, November 23, 2009

Elf Yourself

Okay so I had a little too much fun with!!
Check out the videos...they are funny! :)

Accidentally posted the one of us twice and don't know how to delete it..sorry.
Send your own ElfYourself eCards
Send your own ElfYourself eCards
Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We hope everyone had a happy halloween today! We had a lazy day...then Daniel & Kelley came over and we took the kiddos around the block was so fun! :) Drake was a little fussy because it was bedtime and he hadn't had much of a nap today, but he loved being outside and walking around. He didn't understand the whole process, so he would get mad when we would try and direct him up to a house, and when we tried to get him to leave...haha! But he held his pumpkin bucket the whole time, I tried to take it away at one point cause I thought he was tired of holding it and he wouldn't let it go!

I got a few pictures with our camera, but Kelley got a lot of better ones on her camera so once she emails them to me I will post those as well. Drake was a cute monkey and Sadie was the cutest flower! :) Good times and memories!

Things are going well around here.....same old stuff. Thanks for everyone's thoughts and prayers this month with my step-dad Gregg. He is home and doing well, we are so thankful for his recovery! :)

We are looking forward to the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday....time for a much needed break from work! I posted two videos: one is him in bounce house at pumpkin patch, he just sat in was funny. He finally after a few minutes tried to get up and jump, but kept falling down. The other video is him "helping" daddy clean out a pumpkin...but he whined everytime a piece of pumpkin got on his hand..haha! (so much like me) Enjoy!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Back to School

September is here and we are back to school. It has been hard getting back on schedule and everything is so stressful at the beginning of the year (if you are a teacher you understand). So needless to say I have been busy and exhausted!! After only being back to school one week I end up same old sinus infection that I get every year. Drake has been doing well. He is back with his babysitter and having a good time with her! He is talking more and more, he is finally saying words that actually make sense instead of just all jibberish...and he is trying to say what you tell him to say. So far he says: mama, dada, ball, tree, uh-oh, mmuuu(more), Bo, cracker, bath, and when you tell him bye bye he kisses his hand--he is blowing you a kiss!

He is growing so much! I can't believe he will be 19 months on Monday. He is a climbing fool! His newest thing is to find any toy, anything that he thinks he can step on and use it to help him climb on couch. He loves to sit on the couch...which I don't mind as long as I am sitting with him cause if not he runs back and forth making me a nervous wreck!

Okay well I am tired...11:00 on a Friday night and I am exhausted...better get to bed! Will let you know how he does at Bo's game tomorrow if it doesn't get rained out like tonight's did. Good night all! :)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

July already??

I can't believe how fast this summer is going! July 4th was fun...we went to Rachel's. We swam and ate some good brisket that Bo cooked. It was a great day with the family. We went to watch fireworks and Drake did seem more interested this year...he didn't say much but he would clap after some of them. Noah of course was jumping all over the place and loving the fireworks!

We have been lucky enough to have several playdates with my best friend and her little boy who is 3 months is so fun to watch them play! It is so nice to have this time in the summer to visit with friends since during the year we are busy with work, etc.

We are looking forward to this month as we have several birthdays in July to celebrate and more time to spend with family & friends! I have attached another video of Drake in the car dancing. He does this everytime we get in the car and he hears a song he is so funny! I guess he has been watching me too I can't help but dance when a good song comes on :) And yes he has all his gear...blanket & paci...must haves for in the car!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Summer Fun!

Galveston was fun! We enjoyed visiting family and taking Drake out to the beach, and Moody Gardens aquarium. He enjoyed getting into EVERYTHING at Grandpa's & Grandma's house and Great-Grandma's house. I am glad that we were able to get down there and spend time with them.

We are looking forward to this Saturday (4th of July) and hoping Drake will have more of a clue about fireworks this year...last year he was too young to know what was going the fireworks were so far away. Can't wait to see his reaction this year...and hopefully it will be a good one!

Bo and I are doing good...still enjoying summer with our baby boy! I put a few more videos on here:

This first one below this post is Drake dancing( mostly headbanging)...sorry the lighting is bad. We were watching a special American Idol this past week where they were singing Micheal Jackson songs and he started to dance so I grabbed my phone.

2) The video in the middle is of Drake sitting on his truck one morning this past week and talking & spitting. (his newest habbit..gross) I totally didn't see him spit the first time until I saw this video. Little stinker!

3)The last video is of Drake and Noah sitting in Rachel & Ken's backyard by the pool having a snack. I just thought it was so cute that Drake would sit in that chair for a good while! ;) Please ignore my annoying voice on the video. I also will add some pics from Galveston to our online link on side of blog.

Have a great 4th of July!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Video of Drake screaming/talking

Turn your volume DOWN if you watch this video of Drake...he was talking/screaming. He was very passionate about whatever he was trying to tell me. :) So cute. His talking/jibberish is so cute and funny...he even has cute facial expressions! Can't believe he will be 16 months this month!!

New baby pool!

Here is a video of Drake playing in his new baby pool daddy bought him today!! He loved it! He has been home with daddy all week since Bo is done with work and I had this week....I am done after tomorrow!! YAY! Sooo ready for summer.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Video of Drake eating

-Sorry but I am still figuring out how to use this camera on my phone...I finally realized that I have to hold it a certain way for it not to be sideways when I download it! So unfortunatley I can't flip this so it is a sideways video...turn your head to the side to see his cute little face...haha! This was him eating lunch this past Tuesday(5-19-09)eating lunch before I took him to the doctor for his 15 month checkup. Doc says he is growing great...still a little above 50th percentile for his weight and 50th percentile for height. He weighed 25 lbs.

I need to get one of his tantrums on video...they are getting bad. When he doesn't get what he wants...look out. Rachel thinks its funny but really it isn't...I am sure I can catch him having a fit tomorrow...will post video!! Stay tuned.....

Video Below:

Sorry for the lighting in this can't see his funny facial expressions when he was yelling. He raises his eyebrows when he is he is seriously trying to tell us something. He has been so funny lately with his talking...he is just really trying to tell us stuff. So cute!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

What a week!!

So we have had a busy week! It started on Sunday with Drake running a high fever all day, then again on Monday. I was feeling so great either so Bo stayed home with us on Monday to help take care of Drake and me. I went to doctor on Monday and of course have the crap I usually get in the spring with all the allergies, etc...asthmatic bronchitis. So doc gave me some medicine and I have been feeling better, still coughing but better for the most part. I took Drake to doc on Tuesday and luckily he didn't have a fever anymore, but he was still fussy and not wanting to eat much, so pediatrician said his throat was red and probably sore from drainage and he had a fever because his body was just trying to fight off something he caught. He was already on antibiotic because of his fall last Thursday night so that probably helped him be able to fight off whatever bug his body caught.

He is feeling better and eating better but Thursday he broke out into a rash. Called pediatrician again and he said it was most likely a viral rash since he had been sick earlier in the week. He started coughing yesterday which is good and bad....I guess it is good cause it is getting the stuff out of his chest but bad cause it is a sad sound to hear. His rash is better today and we are just going to be taking it easy and resting as much a possible so that we can both get better.

Bo is currently on his way to see a sweet baby girl Sadie Jane. Congrats to Daniel & Kelley! She was born last night (Friday May 8th) around 10:00pm. She is 8 lbs 4 oz. I am so sad and jealous that I can't be up there to hold her and see her. But I would rather be safe than sorry with a precious newborn baby. As soon as I get over this crap I will be going to visit her.

So it has been a week! Crazyness at work with the last few weeks approaching, it is hard for the kids to control their excitement! Hoping I can make it through till JUNE 5th!!! Love you all!

Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful mommies out there! The best job in the world!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Drake clapping to Boomer Sooner fight song!

Drake & Noah Daniel's Bday Party April '09

Noah was trying to put on Drake's shoes...but of course Drake wouldn't be still. You will hear Noah saying "Drake Matthew" and "stinky butt" It is funny.

5 weeks till summer

Well I am counting the days until summer break...these first graders are driving me crazy!! It is going to be a rough 5 weeks but a much needed summer break is not far away!

So we had a scare last night. Drake had his first visit to the awful ER. Here is what happened: Drake was sitting in my lap while I was on computer yesterday (Thurs) around 5 chewing on a marker. Well he wanted to get down and walk around so I let him but forgot to take the marker away...dumb mommy! Of course he trips and falls and the marker goes into the mouth and puts a gash on the upper side of the inside of his mouth. I immediately pick him up and his mouth is full of blood so I take him to the bathroom and get a wet washcloth and try to put it in his mouth to soak up some of the blood while he is screaming. Finally after a few minutes he stops crying, the bleeding stops and we sit and relax. We go on about our night playing, eating, etc. I had just figured at this point he had biten his tongue when he fell. Well not so I was putting on his pjs after the bath he was crying and with his mouth wide open I saw the big gash on the upper side of his mouth and started to freak out! Bo luckily got home right about that time and we decided to take him to urgent care for them to look at because he wasn't really wanting to swallow, he was drooling a lot.

So we arrive at Cooks urgent care around 8:00...I told Bo to stay in the car with Drake assuming it would be a while. Well it was the scariest thing going in there...almost everyone was wearing masks. Not the best timing to be at an ER with swine flu going around. Finally at 9:30ish they call us to the check in area....then around 10:00 they call us back to the actual room, and the doctor shows up 15-20 min later. He says well we don't do anything for cuts inside the mouth but I will go ahead and take a look. I am like well duh..why do you think we brought him here. So Bo holds his head, I hold his arms and the doctor opens his mouth and shines the flashlight in there and ouchie there was a big hole at the top of his mouth. yuck!

Doctor says to give him some antibiotic to help it from getting infected and to give him popsicles, ice cream and it will heal on it's own. Oh and course we are suppose to check it to make sure if doesn't get infected....that is so not fun...trying to hold a busy 14 month old down to pry open his mouth! I did get an okay look tonight and it didn't look as open as it did last night so I am hoping that it is closing up and healing.

Drake was his usual happy self today so that is good. I am so glad that he is okay! I was worried about him being fussy for babysitter. We finally got home last night around 11:00 and all 3 of us were exhausted. I just pray that we all stay healthy and didn't get exposed to the swine flu last night.

Having a toddler is such a busy job! He is running..literally...everywhere! He loves to be outside and is saying a few words. He says mama, dada, and his new word is ball...which is pronounced ba. He will pick up his ball and throw it around and say ba as he goes to get it. His temper tantrums have really started. When he doesn't get what he wants he throws his head back and arches his back...he will fall if you don't catch him. He screams and crys if he doesn't get what he oh my I didn't expect that to start so early!

So things are busy around here as usual but we are so blessed and happy. I will try and write more often....I gotta go watch Grey's & Private Practice since I missed them last night. Love you all! Take care!

P.S. I put a few new pics up on our online album.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Drake's Picture Day

Today we took Drake to get his 1 year pictures...finally I know! Now that he is actually 13 months old...oh well better late than never! He did really good, he was s little cheeseball! I have put them on our online album, so click the link over on the side to see them! Spring break has been great....just busy! I am sad it is almost over. :( I have loved getting to spend this time with my baby boy.

I put my favorites on here! Enjoy!

Monday, February 23, 2009


I finally have had some time to play around with my new phone and I figured out how I can take video on my phone and then transfer them to my computer!! We are still working on getting the USB for our camcorder to be able to transfer video from it to the computer. Here is a video of Drake from today...walking!! Enjoy!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Drake is 1!

He had a GREAT party! He loved his cake. We weren't sure if he would attack the cake or not but he put a pretty good dent in it ;) He got a lot of toys and clothes..thank you all so much!

We can't believe how big he has gotten...he is not a baby anymore...he is a TODDLER! oh my! He is walking! He still falls a lot but he is doing more walking than crawling these days.

I posted some pics...Rachel took some better ones so as soon as I get those from her I will post those as well. He goes to the doctor Thursday afternoon for his 1 year checkup so I will let you know how that goes!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Almost Drake's 1st bday!

I can't believe it is the end of January and my little baby boy will be 1 soon! This year has gone to fast. It seems like just yesterday I was holding him for the first time in the hospital...what a precious moment that was!

He is still keeping us busy these days! He is crawling and pulling up on everything still, but just this past week he has been standing all by himself for at least 5 seconds!! Walking will be coming I can only imagine how much more busy he will keep us. He is still babbling a lot and saying mama but not dada yet. He loves to eat!! He eats pretty much whatever we give him...I am so glad he is not a picky eater (at least for now) :). He made us laugh so hard the other night cause we had the tv on and wheel of fortune was on and everytime Vanna clapped he started to clap. He is such a goober!

I have attached a few more pics of him just hanging out around the house. I look forward to sharing pics with everyone after his birthday!

Hope everyone is doing well. I have been battling with congestion for a while, this weather is not helping with it changing so much. Sounds like it will be cold tomorrow! Have a great weekend!