Friday, September 11, 2009

Back to School

September is here and we are back to school. It has been hard getting back on schedule and everything is so stressful at the beginning of the year (if you are a teacher you understand). So needless to say I have been busy and exhausted!! After only being back to school one week I end up same old sinus infection that I get every year. Drake has been doing well. He is back with his babysitter and having a good time with her! He is talking more and more, he is finally saying words that actually make sense instead of just all jibberish...and he is trying to say what you tell him to say. So far he says: mama, dada, ball, tree, uh-oh, mmuuu(more), Bo, cracker, bath, and when you tell him bye bye he kisses his hand--he is blowing you a kiss!

He is growing so much! I can't believe he will be 19 months on Monday. He is a climbing fool! His newest thing is to find any toy, anything that he thinks he can step on and use it to help him climb on couch. He loves to sit on the couch...which I don't mind as long as I am sitting with him cause if not he runs back and forth making me a nervous wreck!

Okay well I am tired...11:00 on a Friday night and I am exhausted...better get to bed! Will let you know how he does at Bo's game tomorrow if it doesn't get rained out like tonight's did. Good night all! :)