Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Fun Summer

So here it is the end of July and I am bloggin again! Can't believe how fast this summer has gone. It has been filled with fun and crazyness! Bo starts back to work next week....and I have two more weeks off.
We went to Six Flags today and had fun! Even though it was hot, we found shade and went indoors to cool off in between rides. Drake was so good...he rode several rides! Of course only rides with Mommy and Daddy..haha. Mommy is not ready for him to ride by himself, Bo kept trying to put him on rides by himself and I was so worried, but luckily when Bo asked him if he wanted to ride it he said no. So we rode the carousel, train, and boat ride together, then I rode a truck ride with him and Bo rode a airplane ride with him. Fun, fun!
Drake will be starting daycare this school year so that will be interesting to see how that goes. Luckily he is at the same daycare that Noah, and Emerson (my nephews) are going to and Rachel will be there part time. He will be in the 2 year old room with 10 other kids, and 2 teachers. I am happy about the low ratio and always two teachers. I am of course worried about his behavior. On playdates this summer he has not been the nicest to his friends, so I am not sure how he will do when he is surronded by 10 other 2 year olds.....oh my! I am sure it will be hard at first but once he gets used to it I think he is going to love it! We already have been asking him if he wants to go to school like Noah and he says yes. So we shall see...will have to keep you updated on that....haha.

I am entering my 5th year of teaching first grade! I have loved my summer but honestly I am ready to be back on a routine and schedule.
I am posting some pics here on this post, but also will put some on our online check out what we have done this summer! Oh yeah, one more thing...I got a new car! I LOVE IT! It is a 2011 Chevrolet Traverse! It is nice and roomy! :)