Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Leaving a comment

If you read this please feel free to leave comments, so I don't feel like I am telling the computer about my life. Someone asked how to do it, well this is how I leave comments on other bloggers:

Click on Comments underneath the blog. It will take you to the page to type a comment. Then click on the circle beside the word Name/URL. All you have to do is enter your name, you don't have to put in an url.

Then click on publish comment. You might have to enter some silly code.....what is the point of this??

Yucky Pink Eye

I swear it just seems to be one thing after another. Last night my eye started to feel very irritated and I kept thinking something was in it, well after lots of rubbing and some gunk coming out I realized something was wrong. I decided to go up to CareNow since they were open till 10pm to see what it was.Yeah he took one look and said pink eye. It is so gross! My eye is nasty and itches but I can't touch it, and it is swollen so I look weird with my eye halfway open. Doc said not to go to work today since it is contagious, and gave me some antibiotic eye drops. They don't seem to help too much yet. I am hoping that it will look better tomorrow as I return to work. So wash wash wash your hands...that is song I have been singing all day as my hands are dry because of all the soap.

Little mister Drake is the one that gave it to me. His right eye was goopy on Monday but I thought it was just allergies or something. Well then on Tuesday his other eye was goopy so the babysitter was like well maybe tomorrow he will be fine. His eyes were goopy this morning when he woke up but they don't look irritated and swollen like mine so that is good. But I talked to his doctor and he went ahead and gave me some prescription eye drops as well for him. So that was a fun chore to do today....try and hold a 7 month old baby boy still to put 2 or 3 drops in both eyes!!! He actually did okay....I was afraid he would be so mad at me and just continue to cry, but after I finished he was fine.

So we are sickies over here. It has been a somewhat nice relaxing day at home on a Wednesday.... just wish I didn't look like an alien with one big eye! Once the puffiness goes away it shouldn't look so bad. I have tried tea bags, ice....I think tonight I will try cucumber on eye before I go to bed. Who knows. I will let you know how it turns out. Plus I am battling with getting that crud that I get every year after starting working. The past week my throat has been sore in the mornings, and I do have some drainage throughout the day but I am trying to beat it by taking zrytec and vitamin c pills everyday. I just wish I could wear a mask at work. My teacher friend at work replys to work as the "germ bowl". It is funny but so true! I try to spray lysol and have students wipe desks often to help minimize the spread but I guess sometimes it is just inevitable. I will keep you updated on how us sickies are over here. Bo is doing well. He has a sore throat but he usually never gets sick so that is good. Keep us in your thoughts!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Monday Monday

Well another Monday to start the week. Mondays are always hard for me. I love being with Drake all day Saturday and Sunday! By the time I pick him up after school we drive 45 minutes home it is 5:00 and we play, eat, fuss, bathe, bottle and bed by 8:00. So our evenings together fly by. We have switched babysitters. Our next door neighbor was watching him but she has a little boy a week younger than Drake and said it was just to hard since they were both needy and wanting her attention AND she has a 5 year old that just started kindergarten so she was having to take both boys to drop her off and pick her up from school. Anyways after I very stressful week last week of trying to find childcare for my baby boy an answered prayer came on Wednesday evening. One of my friends at work Ellen (she teaches first grade with me) called and said her sister lives 5 minutes away from school and is home all day by herself and would love to watch a baby. So after talking with her it was set and she started watching him last Thursday!! He is going to be spoiled. She just holds him and plays with him all day. She comes out to the car in the mornings to help me get him, she is just so sweet! She does have a 4 year old that she takes to PreK in the morning and she goes to pick him up after I pick up Drake, so it is just her and Drake all day. I am just so happy to have found someone that I know and trust since I trust Ellen and have taught with her for the past two years!

I of course am loving that my baby gets some one on one attention. He is doing great with her. Today is a big day for him because he got his first tooth! It just pierced through his gum today and you can see it and feel it---beware of fingers in the mouth--yikes! He was fussy tonight so I guess it is hurting some...poor little guy. I read that it is very painful, so we put on some orajel and gave him some tylenol to help him sleep. I know I know you mommies out there are saying this is just the beginning! :) But we are excited for his one tooth that finally pushed through!

Other than that things are going well. My class is doing good. I have a good group of first graders! Bo's team is not doing so well...haven't won a game yet. Drake and I have gone to all the games except for one to support daddy win or lose, and Bo says it is the best to see him after the makes everything better just to see him.....even though at this point it is 10:30 and Drake can barely keep his eyes open. :) He is a trooper thats for sure.

Okay well I have blabbed enough for tonight. I need to get to bed. I will post some new pics soon!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008