Wednesday, November 17, 2010


It is November! And I am thankful for a week off next week! It will be so nice and very much needed right now. I have a pretty good class, but they are still 6 and always keep me on my I am ready to just relax (somewhat) at home. I know Drake will also keep me busy but at least I can be home in my comfortable jammies while I chase him around! He is getting so big and talking so is funny because you can carry on a conversation with him now, and most of the time it makes sense! haha

I am also thankful for this baby girl! She is growing a lot the past few weeks and so is my belly! I am 20 weeks..halfway! :) We are super excited for our baby girl! I have already bought several outfits and can't wait to set up her room! I am obsessed with pink so you can bet that most of her outfits and her room will be all pink! We are going with the name Riley or Rylee not sure how we want to spell it yet.

Bo is done with football and it is so nice having him home in the evenings again. I will be 29 on Saturday....can't believe am I almost 30?? yikes! But I have a lot to be thankful for this 29th bday and this Thanksgiving. I have a precious little boy that I love with all my heart, a wonderful husband, and a precious little girl on the way to complete our lil family! Things are good! :)

I have posted some pics on our online album and several videos since I finally figured out how to transfer them from my phone to computer...yay!
Check back for more videos and pics now that I know how to do it!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

September is finally here!

Yay for September! Now ready for cooler weather! This heat is no fun.

So we made the decision for Drake to stay with the in-home sitter and it has been the right decision! He is doing great with her! He only cried the first day then after that he was fine. She only watches two other kiddos so he is getting some socialization skills which is what we wanted but with a smaller more homey setting. The great thing about her also is that she lives close to Bo's work which is 10 minutes from our house, so Bo has about an hour with Drake in the morning before he takes him to the sitter...which is great since now that it is football he isn't home several nights of the week and doesn't see Drake.

Plus it will be nice when I do have the baby, Drake can continue to go to the sitter so I can have some time at home on maternity leave to bond with the new baby. So glad that things worked out!

Speaking of the new baby...we had our first doctor appointment about a week ago and got to get a sonogram and see our little peanut! It is so amazing when you see that little flash of a heartbeat! My doctor said that I would be high-risk because Drake was 3 weeks early due to low fluid levels. She said they would keep an eye on the fluid levels with this one. I am going to have a c-section(since I had one with Drake) and it will most likely be the last week of March...I am hoping I make it that long because I would love to not have to return to work this school year....just have a nice long summer with my new baby and Drake!

We are hoping for a girl this time! Of course we would be happy with another little mama's boy if that is what God blesses us with. We shall see....I am just ready to get out of this first trimester and feel better....I am feeling pretty sick and exhausted!

Okay well that's enough for now. So ready for a nice 3 day weekend coming up! :) Have a great weekend!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Decisions, Decisions

Well Drake's 3 days of daycare experience wasn't great. It was way harder than I thought it was going to be. He cried, I cried....and I worried all day about how he doing. Rachel and his teacher said he did okay and that it would just take some time to adjust and he would be fine, so I was sad but prepared myself for the transition. Then a coach Bo works with said we needed to take Drake to a lady where they take their 2 yr. old daughter. So I called her, met her, and am happy about the possible decision for Drake to stay with her instead of go to daycare. She watches 2 other kids, so Drake would be her 3rd and final kiddo to watch as she does have one more come two days a week. The great thing about her is that she lives really close to Bo's school, so Bo will be able to take Drake in the morning at a much better time (8:00), instead of Drake having to leave with me at 6:30.....
I am happy about him not having to commute with me, he has been a trooper and done it for a year and half....but as he is older he gets a little more bored in the car.

So I am hoping that this is the right decision to make...I have been going back and forth for the past few days trying to decide what is best for Drake....and it is so stressful! I have been an emotional wreck. Just when I think the in home daycare will be great, then I start to wonder if he would be better at daycare where my nephews are and closer to my work....I just don't know. I have two more days to try and make a decision...and hope that it's the right one.

These are the days that being a parent is SOOOO hard. So that is what is going on here in the Taylor household....stress! haha, well only from me, Bo is of course "fine with whatever I decide."
Okay well I got some venting out...time for bed! Will update on Monday what decision was made and how his day was!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Fun Summer

So here it is the end of July and I am bloggin again! Can't believe how fast this summer has gone. It has been filled with fun and crazyness! Bo starts back to work next week....and I have two more weeks off.
We went to Six Flags today and had fun! Even though it was hot, we found shade and went indoors to cool off in between rides. Drake was so good...he rode several rides! Of course only rides with Mommy and Daddy..haha. Mommy is not ready for him to ride by himself, Bo kept trying to put him on rides by himself and I was so worried, but luckily when Bo asked him if he wanted to ride it he said no. So we rode the carousel, train, and boat ride together, then I rode a truck ride with him and Bo rode a airplane ride with him. Fun, fun!
Drake will be starting daycare this school year so that will be interesting to see how that goes. Luckily he is at the same daycare that Noah, and Emerson (my nephews) are going to and Rachel will be there part time. He will be in the 2 year old room with 10 other kids, and 2 teachers. I am happy about the low ratio and always two teachers. I am of course worried about his behavior. On playdates this summer he has not been the nicest to his friends, so I am not sure how he will do when he is surronded by 10 other 2 year olds.....oh my! I am sure it will be hard at first but once he gets used to it I think he is going to love it! We already have been asking him if he wants to go to school like Noah and he says yes. So we shall see...will have to keep you updated on that....haha.

I am entering my 5th year of teaching first grade! I have loved my summer but honestly I am ready to be back on a routine and schedule.
I am posting some pics here on this post, but also will put some on our online check out what we have done this summer! Oh yeah, one more thing...I got a new car! I LOVE IT! It is a 2011 Chevrolet Traverse! It is nice and roomy! :)

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Summer is here!

Can't believe it is the end of June! This summer is going too fast. We are enjoying it though. Being home with Drake everyday has been fun but also challenging since we are at the "terrible twos" stage. I added some pics on our online album on some of the things we have done so far this summer and of our new wood floors! Check them out!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Pics up

I put some pictures from Drake's party on our online album! Just click the link on the right. Enjoy!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Well I was going to post some video but can't find the cord that uploads from my phone to computer....I did clean out the closet over the break so I am better organized but for some reason it isn't where I put computer stuff...ugh frustrating! I will keep looking and post video once I find it!!

Welcome 2010!

So it has been a while since I last blogged...sorry! We had a great Christmas and our traditional pajama New Years party! Drake was very spoiled this Christmas with lots of new toys and clothes! I was spoiled as well by getting a wii~so fun!

Today we are having a snow day! It is freezing outside and the roads are icy! So I finally thought I would take some time and post new pics on here and video from over the holidays!

Click the link over on the side to see our online album..that is where I put the Christmas pics. We didnt get very many pics cause Drake will not be still enough!!!